Tamba Musa


Tamba James Musa

To ensure a safe and better environment for all.


To mitigate global warming and disaster in the world.


Serves as a monitoring agent for the environment.

Serves as an aid in the facilitation and implementation of programmes gear towards the conservation of the environment in other to improve the living conditions of Sierra Leoneans.

Promoting a wider public support and action for the protection of the natural environment within Sierra Leone.

Promote the conservation and management culture of Sierra Leones’s environment.

To create an awareness of the need to protect the environment.

Support existing and would be legislations that seek to promote the conservation of the environment.

Partner with existing local and international organizations whose mandate includes the conservation of the environment.

Help to popularize the Guidelines of the International Conventions and Agreements of the United nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and any other environmental organizations.

Seek the c-operation and assistance of both national and international persons, organizations and programmes designed to protect the environment.

Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and scientific information on the environment in Sierra Leone.

To work with communities in other to make them become aware to understand, identify and manage threats (hazards), through effective knowledge management and sharing of best practices.

To work as the think-thank for the communities especially the poor and the disadvantaged by providing assistance in policy formulation and promote food security as an important factor in ensuring the resilience of community’s hazard.

To serve as a resource center for communities by professionalize hazard, disaster risk reduction and emergency management in communities by developing an independent cadre of professionally trained managers on emergency and mitigation measures.

To undertake research with communities covering both natural and human induced disaster, with a multi-hazard approach.

To build the capacity of communities in hazard and disaster management in other to reduce the loss of life and negative impact on economic, social, physical and environment assets caused by natural and human induced disasters from conventional responds and relief to a more comprehensive risk reduction culture through education and sensitization trainings.

To enable communities build an effective emergency response management system, through holistic, proactive, technological and sustainable development strategy that involve all levels of society.

To do such other things which the Organization may deem conducive in the furtherance of the aforementioned objects.

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